Student Insurance
School Insurance of Florida offers accident protection for SCPS students. Please use the following links for additional information.
Online Sports Physical Submission Information
- SHS Athletics – Online Athletic Clearance Directions
- Download the NEW Physical Form – EL2
- Download the SCPS ECG Form – 1615
ALL athletes interested in participating in athletics at Seminole High School MUST COMPLETE the below process.
Documents to have on hand: NEW EL2/Physical, ECG, Insurance Card, Birth Certificate, Parent /Guardian Government Issued ID, and (3) NFHS Courses Completion Certificates.
1. Visit and choose Florida.
- NEW athletes must “Create an Account”. Returning athletes, “Sign In” with your email and password.
- Select the blue box “Start Clearance Here”
- Year = 2024-25
- School = Seminole (Sanford)
- Sport = choose your sport (s)
- After answering the medical questions, you will have the option to upload previously used documents. ONLY use this option for documents that have not expired.
- You may use previously uploaded insurance and driver’s license information IF they have not changed.
- Upload page 4 only of the NEW EL2/Physical form, please ensure the physician signs, dates, and stamps page 4
- The (3) NFHS Certificates must be completed annually and uploaded in the “Files” section. They MUST be dated AFTER March 31, 2024.
- ALL Athletes must upload their birth certificate for clearance. If you have a non-United States birth certificate, additional documentation is required. Foreign birth certificate tips
2. Complete all required fields:
- Student Information – Please use legal name as appears in Skyward.
- Parent/Guardian Information – Answer all questions, provide necessary information.
- Medical History – Answer all questions, provide necessary information.
- Signature Forms – Parent/Guardian and Student sign each form online.
- Files Upload –
- NEW EL2 / Physical – If you have a current physical on file in the athletic office we can upload it after you have created an account. Remember, a physical dated from your doctor lasts 365 days. Your physical must include date of physical, doctor’s signature and have a stamp from the office to be official.
- ECG Documentation – the Who We Play For email or the SCPS ECG Form 1615
- Proof of Insurance – Please upload a picture of your insurance card.
- Birth Certificate(all athletes) Foreign birth certificate tips
- Parent/Guardian Government Issued Photo ID – used to confirm parent consent
- GA4 Form (Transfer Students Only)
- All (3) NFHS Course Completion Certificates required (review instructions)
- Concussion in Sports
- Heat Related Illness
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
3. All data will be electronically filed with your school’s athletic department for review. Please allow 2 business days for review.
Note: Participation in a program for conditioning, open facilities, tryouts, or practice cannot occur until you have been notified by the athletic department of your clearance status.
Additional FHSAA Forms
- EL3 – Consent and Release from Reliability Certificate
- EL7 – Registration Form for Home Education Students
- EL12 – Registration Form for Non-Member Private School Students
- EL14 – Vertification of Student Controlled Open Enrollment
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Athletic Department at 407-320-5057 or email
- Athletic Secretary – Landon Peterson,
- Athletic Director – Woody Cox –
- Certified Athletic Trainer – Dr. Jeannine DiFranco-McKinley,
Online Athletic Clearance FAQ
What is my Username?
Your username is the email address that you registered with.
Multiple Sports
If you know you are going to play multiple sports when registering, it is best to add all sports on the first step where you also select the school year and school. If you are registering for additional sports after completing your initial clearance for the year, you will have to complete the process again. The good news is that if you select the student & parent/guardian info from the dropdown on those respective pages, the information will autofill.
Physicals & ECG
The physical form can be downloaded here NEW Physical Form – EL2
The ECG form can be downloaded here SCPS ECG Form – 1615
Clearance Status
- In Progress: A clearance has been started.
- Pending: All upload areas are filled. Awaiting review from the athletic department.
- Cleared: You are ready to participate in the sport for which you submitted a clearance!
- Denied: Something is missing. You should get an email explanation.
- Practice Only: Used infrequently at discretion of SHS athletic department.
- Expiring Soon: The system automatically changes status as your physical’s expiration date nears. You are still able to participate.
- Physical Expired: You may not participate. Physicals are valid for 1 year. The system automatically changes status (and removes you from rosters) when your physical expires. You must get a new physical (on FHSAA Form EL2), upload it, and notify the athletic department.
Document Library
This area is meant to store your files so they can be accessed later in the year or perhaps years following. You can either upload your files to the Document Library then apply them to your Clearance on the Physical page OR you can choose/browse for the file on the Physical page and the file will save to the Document Library for future use.
Why haven’t I been cleared?
Your school will review the information you have submitted and Clear or Deny your student for participation. You will receive an email when the student is cleared.
My sport is not listed!
Please contact your school’s athletic department and ask for your sport to be activated.
NFHS Courses (required by FHSAA)
Visit (review instructions).
Coaches and Parents Information
- Athletes Handbook