Boys, girls water polo win big

Junior Mircea Timofti added 5 assists in the win for the Noles.

ALTAMONTE SPRINGS – Sophomore Goalkeeper Ethan Pierson had 8 saves and Junior Mircea Timofti added 5 assists as the Seminole boys move to 3-0 with a 22-7 road win over Lake Brantley on Feb. 7.

For the girls, Seminole downed Lake Brantley 15-6 behind nine saves from senior Goalkeeper Cassidy Hardin. Caroline Brown and Vivian Swain each had 4 assists for the ‘Noles.

The girls will be in action Feb 8 at Winter Park HS to kick off the 2024 Wildcat Invitational Tournament. They will play Winter Park at 7:40pm.