Defense carries Seminole girls

Goalkeepers Cassidy Hardin (above) and Julia Pando combined for their second shut out of the year on Saturday.

WINTER PARK – Strong defense continued to carry Seminole as the Noles girls went 4-0 at the Wildcat Invite over the weekend at Winter Park High School.

Goalkeepers Cassidy Hardin and Julia Pando teamed up for their 2nd shutout of the season, leading to a 13-0 win against Oviedo.

Halle Zimlich and Vivian Swain each had 4 goals for the Seminoles, Swain added 2 assists, while Raelynn Bouley added 3 goals and 2 assists.

Zimlich had 8 goals and an assist for the Seminoles in a 10-7 win over Gulliver Prep.

Seminole ended a weekend with an 11-4 win over Olympia.

Seminole improves to 7-0 on the season and will look to continue their momentum at Lyman Feb 15.

The Seminole boys struggled a bit at the invite, going 1-4 against some of the best in the state going against teams like Miami powerhouse teams Belen, Gulliver Prep, and Ransom Everglades.

The Noles got a comeback win against Mourning to end the tournament, with a game-winning steal and goal by Sophomore Darian West.

The ‘Noles move to 4-3 on the season and will look to get back on track against Lyman this Thursday.



Seminole 12-5 Winter Park

Seminole 13-0 Oviedo

Seminole 10-7 Gulliver

Seminole 11-4 Olympia


Seminole 13-15 Belen Jesuit

Seminole 7-13 Ransom Everglades

Seminole 7-14 Gulliver Prep

Seminole 10-9 Mourning